January 31, 2014 7:00 pm
Music by Grant Sturiale
Book and Lyrics by Barry Harman
Direction by K Strong; Musical Direction by Jason Marks.
In this jubilant, contemporary take on Greek mythology, Jupiter comes to Earth in human form to woo beautiful Alcmene, wife of Amphitryon. He appears to her in the body of her absent husband and quickly wins her love. Things go swimmingly until the real Amphitryon shows up! While enacting this Hellenic romp, Olympus casts a knowing wink at its showbiz roots. The “Greek” chorus consists of Tom, Dick and Horace, and delightfully dizzy Dolores (who’s in the show only because she’s the main squeeze of its financial backer, Murray the Furrier). “Percolates with naughty musical comedy fun.” The New York Times. “A dazzling musical spoof.” Newsday.