Virginia Rep is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. We utilize the unique power of theater to engage, enthrall, educate, and inspire.

Ticket sales only comprise 65% of our overall budget. Annual donations are critical to our ability to offer high-quality performances and acclaimed outreach programs. We rely on the contributions of generous supporters to fulfill our mission. Our fiscal year is July 1 – June 30, and all gifts are fully tax deductible.

Thank you for your interest and support!


No sign in required

Virginia Rep’s Online Ticketing

Create or log in to your account.
Allows you to indicate a matching gift from your employer.

By Mail

Virginia Repertory Theatre
Attn: Development Office
114 W. Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23220

Please make checks payable to Virginia Repertory Theatre

By Phone

Please call Kiffy Werkheiser in the development office at (804) 783-1688 ext. 1238.

Matching Gifts

Employee matching gifts make it easy to increase the size of your gift! Just include your employer’s matching fit paperwork when you mail in a gift or pledge. If you are unsure of whether your employer offers matching gift benefits, contact your Human Resources department for more information.
Gifts of Stock

Gifts of appreciated securities are a great way to make a contribution to Virginia Repertory Theatre. You may call the development office to learn more about stock gifts or contact your broker with the information listed below:

Investment Company: Davenport & Company
Broker: J. Read Branch, Jr.
Phone: 780-2000
DTC #: 0443
Account Number: DA4004796
United Way/ CFC

If your employer participates in the United Way Program, the Combined Federal Campaign, you may direct a gift to Virginia Repertory Theatre. Our five digit CFC number is: 25201
Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign/ CVC

State employees have the opportunity to participate in workplace giving through the Commonwealth Virginia of Campaign. Our CVC number is 3703.


Kiffy Werkheiser
Director of Development
(804) 783-1688 ext. 1238