Virginia Repertory Theatre
Virginia Rep shares general statistics about our subscriber base – such as the number of subscribers and percentages of subscribers by zip code. This does not include any information about individuals. For information on more specific data that is stored or shared, please see below.
When you email us, a copy of your email is saved in our Google Business account which is password protected. (See Google’s privacy policy). Any emails sent to us are protected by that staff member's password.
Virginia Rep does not share or sell email addresses from our eNewsletter list to other organizations. You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of our emails.
Wordfly sends out our eNewsletter emails. They keep a copy of your name, email address, city, and state - if provided by you at time of sign up. Virginia Rep staff access to this information is password protected. For Wordlfy's privacy policy - please see
If you use Virginia Rep's box office or our site to purchase tickets to a production that's co-produced in partnership with Cadence Theatre Company, your name and any contact information you provided may be shared with Cadence Theatre staff. Otherwise, we do not share personal information or lists of our ticket buyers with outside organizations.
When you purchase tickets or season subscriptions through our box office, your name and contact information and ticket purchase information are saved electronically in our ticketing system which is hosted on Tessitura's server. That server is protected by a firewall and one-time password token (OTP token) protection. Data is encrypted, and the encryption key is updated annually.
When you send in a donation, we keep the name, contact information and the amounts of donations. This information is stored in filing cabinets, and electronically in our ticketing system. The cabinets that contain those files are located in a locked room to which only authorized staff have a key. The ticketing system is protected by a firewall and by password.
If a donor wants to remain anonymous or be removed from our mailing lists, we always oblige, no questions asked. We do not share any of our individual donor lists with any other organization. We do provide foundations, corporations and government entities with lists of our primary institutional funders, but this does not include address/contact or account information -- only the institutions' names and in some cases, gift amounts.
We sometimes submit teacher surveys (which contain teacher/principal names and sometimes email addresses) and student feedback with grant proposals to demonstrate to potential funders the effectiveness of and appreciation for our programming. If students have written their names or other personal information on their letters or artwork, we black out everything but their first name. Copies are stored in a locked room to which only authorized staff have a key.
We generate targeted ads via NBC12, which tracks visitors to our web site. (NBC12's privacy policy is here.) If you visit a page on our site, you may subsequently see an ad for Virginia Rep on third party sites such as (but not limited to) Facebook.
From time to time, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in this Privacy Policy notice. If our information practices change, we will post those changes to this page to notify you.
Virginia Rep is a member of TCG and National New Play Network NNPN.