Archive: Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad
January 31 – February 9, 2014
Student Matinees through February 21
The Children's Theatre at Willow Lawn
Based on the true story of Harriet Tubman
Book and Lyrics by Douglas Jones; Music by Ron Barnett
Directed by Sarah Roquemore
Part of The Acts of Faith Theatre Festival

Poignant, Inspirational, and Thought-Provoking
A personal as well as historical journey
This stirring drama with music is a classic tribute to the great American who freed herself and hundreds of her people from the bonds of slavery. As Harriet and her friend Sarah Bradford narrate her adventurous life, we share in the joys, sorrows, and challenges faced by this brave women who changed the world through her courage. Accurate and deeply moving, Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad is at turns inspiring, heart-warming, and comical, full of the good humor, determination and the charity of its subject. Your students will find a new appreciation for Harriet Tubman and a deeper understanding of her times.
Read the press release.
Length: 1 hour
Suggested for ages 7 and up.