Archive: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
November 29 – December 29, 2013
The Children's Theatre at Willow Lawn
Book, music and lyrics by Bruce Craig Miller
"’Twas the Night Before Christmas will bring delight and smiles to those 4 and up, and the modern references and positive message of joy, love and family values will make their parents and caregivers feel good about bringing them."
At turns heart warming and hilarious, this charming Christmas musical is complete with a jolly Santa, reindeer on the roof, moonlight on the snow, Ma and Pa in their caps, and sugarplums dancing in the dreams of hopeful children. Our careworn poet, Clement Moore is struggling to write a Christmas poem. Clement, uninspired until his eyes and heart are opened by the loving, joyous images all about him in his own home and family, begins writing his immortal poem with these words, “’Twas the night before Christmas.” His poem is a delight to his family and to many generations of families who can’t imagine Christmas without “A Visit from St. Nicholas.”
Length: 55 minutes
Suggested for ages 4 and up.
Student Matinee Dates and Booking
Buy Tickets
Call (804) 282-2620
Brunch with Snow Bear!
Join Santa and Snow Bear for a light brunch and sing along following the 10:30 show on Saturday November 30, December 7, and December 21 or for tea following the 2:00 p.m. show on December 14. The event will last about 1 hour.
Brunch tickets $15 (does not include performance ticket).
Call (804)282-2620.
Limited availablility. Priority will be given to patrons ordering tickets to the performance preceding the event.
While we do not serve peanut products, we regret that our kitchen and catering supply kitchens are not considered safe for those with food allergies. There could be cross contamination.

Performance Pricing
Prices subject to change without notice. Call (804) 282-2620 for the latest information.
Save with a Season Subscription
Save with a Group of 10 or more
Behind the Scenes
Backstage Pass Workshop – Saturday, December 7, 2013
1:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m. (2 p.m. show)
for Kindergarten through 5th grades
Information and Registration
Curtain Up/Lights Out℠ Overnight Camp – December 13/14
5 p.m. Friday (7 p.m. show) to Saturday 10:30 a.m.
for 1st through 5th grades
Information and Registration
Scouts can earn badges! See links above for details.